Killings will go on, Christians will die until they become Muslims” – Zahra Buhari

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PostWebtech Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:09 pm

Killings will go on, Christians will die until they become Muslims” – Zahra Buhari Zarh

President Buhari’s daughter Zahra Buhari makes shocking revelation in a conversation with an unknown facebook user on facebook messenger.
See screenshots of their chat below...
Killings will go on, Christians will die until they become Muslims” – Zahra Buhari FB_IMG_1476369337710
Killings will go on, Christians will die until they become Muslims” – Zahra Buhari FB_IMG_1476369326871

Killings will go on, Christians will die until they become Muslims” – Zahra Buhari FB_IMG_1476369332473

Killings will go on, Christians will die until they become Muslims” – Zahra Buhari FB_IMG_1476369345096

Killings will go on, Christians will die until they become Muslims” – Zahra Buhari FB_IMG_1476369345096

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