Biafrans Please Let Us Always Stand Against Any Negative Words

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Male State : Enugu
Posts : 116
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PostBiafranspalace Fri Oct 28, 2016 6:42 am

Biafrans please and please, there is something we must learn to do. And that is speaking against any negative words that the yoruba, hausa or any other person will speak as regards to biafra struggle.

Yes speak against it even before you say anything else  that is in your mind to that person, you must speak against it first.

For instance, "Ayomide Wuraola" who made this post
what i expect is to say I stand against ever of your negative words and that is coming from your mouth and people your likes and i speak as a Biafran that biafra must stand and prosper.

Remember, that there is power in the tongue. The bible says, ''you shall have what soever you speaketh with you mouth''.

So, if a man or woman, young man or young lady, a boy or a girl says one thing negative against this biafran struggle, say ten things positive. Even before you say any other thing to that person.

Always know that there is power in the tongue.

Frederick Douglass said, ''If there is no struggle there is no progress''.

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