Thieves Who Stole From RCCG Church In Delta State Caught (Photos)

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PostHatch Thu Oct 06, 2016 5:54 am

These alleged thieves are Hausa, except one, an Igbo, specialised in buying stolen goods.

They had been engaged in this, but unfortunately, luck ran out of them after committing sacrilege in the house of God. They had burgled the house of God - The Redeemed Christian Church of God, a branch of it behind the Anglican Church, just by Cornerstone Schools; and carted away musical instruments and industrial fans. But as if that was not enough, they decided to rob a building site of its building materials; and then luck ran out of them.

They were caught and beaten blue and black before being handed over to the Okpanam Divisional Police Headquarters for the law to take its cause.

Thieves Who Stole From RCCG Church In Delta State Caught (Photos) 4316485_fbimg1475614704638_jpegb754c5d95584f148a7f61c75b38ac761

Thieves Who Stole From RCCG Church In Delta State Caught (Photos) 4316484_fbimg1475614720520_jpegb4e08a6317a4501663ccd0b4e3471366

Thieves Who Stole From RCCG Church In Delta State Caught (Photos) 4316483_fbimg1475614721715_jpeg116e38468eaead8333b51c32041cd354

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